What up world, it’s brings me great joy to introduce you to this, dope , creative, beautiful, hardworking, inspirational woman!!! Her name is Brittany, but I call her Plant Bae. So without any further ado, Ladies & Gentleman, PLANT BAE

When did you start loving plants?

I got into plants in 2019. Started with a handful and I was liking that shit, so I got some more! They were the perfect addition to my space and my mental.

What does planting do for you?

Plant care is self care! Having something to nurture is a beautiful thing and when I’m watering and tending to my plants, I’m de-stressing. I’m alleviating anxiety. I’m taking the edge off. I’m taking care of ME. Surprisingly, it recalibrates me spiritually. I’m checking in with God and letting him know wassup. I’m telling you, prayer while pruning a monstera hit different! lol

What difference does a room with plants do for you as opposed to a room without?

A room with plants is everything! Waking up to plants will never get old. It’s just… better, not to mention the air quality – top tier! I’ve been a minimalist much of my adult life and barely keep anything unnecessary in my space so the plants added the razzle-dazzle!

What’s your favorite plant?

My favorite plant is the pothos and ima tell you why — they are SO easy to care for! Ion’t do too much to them and they show me so much love. People love to list off the plants that are hard to kill, then you get em’ and kill em’ but this one really is indestructible!

What’s one piece of advice you would give us for growing plants? (ours died in a month! smh I know, I know)

My advice would be to don’t overthink plant care – this was something I learned as my collection grew! At the top of my plant loving journey, I would check them everyday for new growth, wiping leaves, touchin’ soil and over-watering like a mug, but it really don’t take all that. Let that plant tell you what it needs, when it needs it!

How do you feel about the fast growth of plant lovers?

I think it’s awesome, especially during the time of this pandemic. Everyone getting into plants as a form of therapy and even turning their new found passion, profitable is beautiful. It’s so cool to have the plant community to go to with all type of questions. People all over the world who’ve never met me have been more supportive of my journey than people I know here in Charlotte, personally. It’s crazy, but its beautiful!

Are you into farming as well?

Not farming persay, but I do have a lil’ container garden. I started it this summer just to see if I could do it and it was way easier than I expected it to be! If I had the land, I would definitely have a legit garden but ion’t have it like that. one day though, one day! I’m not planting anything this fall, but I’m looking forward to getting some things planted in the spring of 2021.

What life lessons can growing plants teach you?

Plants have taught me a few lessons thus far, patience being the main lesson. It takes time to see growth and results with anything in life. Also, growth is still growth no matter how long it takes — my growth may take longer than the next persons and that’s okay! It doesn’t make me less than. My journey is unique and specifically for me. Can’t rush the process. Another thing plants have taught me is to position myself where I can thrive. You put plants in the right spot surrounded by the light and humidity they need, they shoot up and throw out all kinds of new growth — for me, it’s putting myself in the best possible position for holistic growth. Surrounding myself with people who want to see me win not only professionally, but mentally and spiritually. Surrounding myself with people who speak life and positivity into me. I think that for the best growth, it’s important we be mindful of where we place ourselves.

Where are some of your favorite places to plant shop?

I’ll grab a plant from anywhere as long as it’s in good condition, but I love hitting the local nurseries here in Charlotte (Oakdale and Malones), Home Depot and Ikea. I love Trader Joes for their $7.99 finds — every few weeks they rotate their selection and it’s always something good!

What are your other hobbies?

I’m a country kid, so anything that can get me outside — love the water but can’t swim. I enjoy a good book, usually poetry, mysteries or romance. I LOVE true crime podcasts so I always have my AirPods on me. I love cooking as well as trying new restaurants and wines!

What are some of your favorite things to cook?

1. My favorite things to cook are probably salmon and anything — it’s so quick and easy and pastas! I don’t like to cook every night so making something I can eat off of for a couple days is always a plus!

What are some of your favorite wines ?

Some of my favorite wines are The Delicious Monster, Aiolas and Whispering Angel. All of em’ are delicious!

Ever thought about starting your own plant store?

If you could choose one plant, to go in one room, for one specific reason, what plant would it be, what room will it go in, and why?

I actually have but absolutely no time soon, if ever! I’m no self proclaimed guru lol. I still have so much to learn about plants from names to care and I’d wanna be a little more seasoned before I embarked that journey.

What do plants and humans have in common?

I think plants and humans are alike in the fact that they NEED water. they can’t live without it and neither can we! It’s deeper than that, but that’s where ima leave it.

What’s the most exciting thing about planting to you?

the most exciting thing about being a houseplant owner for me is really just being able to marvel at the new growth that comes from them. knowing that the care you gave them is what made them sprout a new leaf is so cool! every time I get a new leaf, i’m like “I did that shit!”

If you could choose one plant, to go in one room, for one specific reason, what plant would it be, what room will it go in, and why?

If I had to chose it would be a black coral sansevieria (snake plant) in the bedroom — low maintenance and air purifying. they hold down any dim corner with ease and are great aesthetic additions!

Where can folks keep up with you?

Instagram: @brittanysivey and @plantmomb twitter @brittanysivey

Any dope last words for our readers?

Getchu a plant, it’ll change ya life!

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